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1. General

Connector Service API

Legacy data channel api to ensure compatibility with existing integrations from previous versions.




Initial specification


Add section 7 – Java code sample to create authorization header


Section 5.2.1 Clarification on when to use Drop-Off File Code Reservation


Add detail to 5.2.2: Drop-Off Initial File metadata (Chunk Zero)
Add section 5.2.3: Test chunk zero multipart upload with Postman


Section 8: Upload code sample uploadFile(), sendInitialFileInfo(), buildHttpContent(), sendEOFCommand()

This document aims to illustrate the straightforward interaction between middle-ware flows and Thru MFT.

With just a few straightforward calls, the flow can effortlessly retrieve files from diverse sources and transmit them to multiple destinations.

It's important to note that sources and targets are adaptable and can be adjusted or switched without impacting the flow's operation.

The typical development procedure unfolds as follows:

  1. Begin by creating an enterprise flow with an initial test source.

  2. Once the processing logic is established, seamlessly replace the test source with the Thru MFT connector.

By employing this approach, the flow delegates the collection and distribution tasks to Thru MFT, eliminating the need for further adjustments unless alterations are made to the processing logic itself.

The Connector API supports concurrent uploads, and you can reach out to us for a sample code for uploading.

Please be aware that substantial memory resources might be consumed during the download of large files.

In scenarios where you require support for fetching exceedingly large files, incoming files should be stored prior to progressing to the processing phase.

It's important to clarify that the scope of this document is exclusively centred around file interchange.

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