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5.1 File Pickup (Thru MFT to Flow)

Download (Pick-Up) file from Thru MFT Transport from any subscribing organizations.

Thru MFT API returns one file per request from the internal queue. iPaaS flow should call this method periodically / by scheduling. Note that Thru MFT scheduling takes precedence over the flow schedule – for example, the flow can be defined for 10 seconds but Thru MFT to 5 minutes. Thru MFT will only move a file from landing to pick up every 10 minutes, so in effect, files will become available to the flow every 10 minutes.


Request Url


api/TransportMgr/FlowPickup/<Flow Code>






TransportMgrAuthHeader (Required in all service requests)


Flow Code

Transport Code (TRN…)





Returns file content in raw format

MIME type, file name and size are in content disposition header.

Additional information about the file can be retrieved from disposition header. Size can be retrieved from Content-Length header

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="FL00000001-ChunkNumber000001"

Thru MFT delivers the file with File Code prefix as shown above. This ensures the uniqueness of the file in case it needs to be persisted. The flow should strip the
prefix when delivering the file to the target app.


Content is empty

No content: no files are available for a pickup.
Note that Thru MFT implements caching for pickup and files from a single endpoint will be given
(One at a time) every 10-15 seconds.
If the flow is trying to pick up files every seconds and there are pending files, the API will still return 204 until the next file is loaded to the cache.


Content contains access denied message

Invalid Authorization Header in API call.
Flow Code parameter in Transport does not match the Flow Code in Authorization header


Content contains exception (message and stack trace)

Failed to find the Transport, or physical file is missing (quarantined), or download streaming failed.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.